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瑞典于默奥大学什么档次? 答应你们的来了,聊一聊瑞典于默奥大学

时间:2024-07-20 14:45:30



Umea University | 于默奥大学



Master’s Programme in Interaction Design | 交互设计
Master’s Programme in Transportation Design | 交通工具设计
Master’s Programme in Advanced Product Design | 产品设计

Master’s Programme in Architecture and Urban Design | 建筑城市设计

Master’s Programme in Human-Computer Interaction and Social Media | 人机交互




  • 8-12 samples of your work, showing your present creative and aesthetic design experience and capabilities on professional and/or academic level. You can include videos, photos, sketches, 3D renderings, graphics, or interactive presentations to demonstrate your design skills.
  • Keep the presentation of each work sample to one page each and select the parts that best presents your strengths. However, one or two of the submitted work samples should be decribed in more detail over 3-4 pages, where your design process should be in focus.
  • For each work sample, include a short text (10-20 words) describing the content and context of the shown project. In group projects, tell us what your contribution was.
  • Upload letter of motivation with personal application number received from the universityadmissions.se.

We look at

  • Aesthetic craftsmanship
  • Overall human-centered attitude to design
  • Creativity, design thinking and problem-solving capability
  • Capability of critical and analytical thinking
  • Experience with individual and group work
  • Relevant graphics software skills
  • Basic experience of building physical mock-ups and presentation models
  • Interest in information technology

除了对于作品集的要求之外,于默奥还会在申请第一阶段结束后选取一些符合要求的学生让他们提交相关的视频。例如在2019年申请季中,MFA programme in Interaction Design专业方向共120个学生申请,其中60个人被要求提交视频。就这,学校还发了个恭喜,真是贴心。

Assignment overview:

  • The topic for this assignment is “a personal reflection on responsibility and consequences of design”.
  • We want you to record a video where you reflect and talk freely on this topic, if possible in relation to projects in your portfolio.

Submission details:

  • DEADLINE for the video assignment is FRIDAY MARCH 13 @ 9:00 AM CET
  • Name your video file with your application number
  • Email a link to your video to the email address: christoffel.kuenen@umu.se
  • in the email subject line, please write: [IXD VideoBlog] + [your application number]
  • Please, do NOT send your video as an attachment to your email
  • Feel free to use any kind of online services (like Dropbox, YouTube, Vimeo or similar) to end your video
  • If you have password protected your video, please include the password in the email

Technical requirements:

  • The video must be minimum 1 minute and maximum 2:00 minutes long
  • The file size of the video should not exceed 50 MB
  • You must be visible in front of the camera at least 50% of the time
  • If possible, keep the visual background neutral (for example in front of a white wall)
  • Avoid noisy environments when you record the video (so your speech can be clearly audible)
  • Do not use background music





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